Wednesday, October 1, 2008

how to make a camera

If i were too make a Digital Camera using a CCD, i would use my design that is posted above. I would put thecard in a the pin hole camera in it, allowing no light in other than the pinhole. I would hook up the CCD to either another camera that i would make or a radio and have it read the caption.making this device would not be easy.
First off it would be extremely hard to wire the ccd to the digital camera. you would need a box that only let the light hit the card in the box. Changing the papers would not be too fun though.

1 comment:

DivingRhino said...

A radio? :)

The easiest digital pin hole is to take the SLR, big class camera, take off the lens, put tinfoil over the opening and put a pin hole in it. voila. I'll try that in class today.